above  ^  36  X  12
  sassafras, maple
      &  walnut
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. . .  on tabletops and walls
These two mirror frames are
approximately 4" square and are 3/8" thick, each.
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These tri-fold frames are made of cherry, maple & walnut, and are for 5" X 7" pictures.
Corner details of wall-mounted frames : On the left is a frame made out of sassafras, cherry, maple and walnut. The frame on the right is made out of maple and walnut. The concave cut, a "cove" cut, was made on the table saw by introducing the wood on an angle to the blade.
Cherry, Walnut & Maple
on a Maple Stand
for 8 X 10 picture.
I guess the Photo Fan, above, would qualify for the Square Frames page.  It is made of walnut and stained poplar.  The stained "hinges" are made out of canvas.  It holds 4" X 6" photos.
These Kitchen       Frames are made out of walnut & maple.
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Walnut and maple frame.
Hexagonal Frames

walnut & maple with maple stand
Sculpted Frame

maple & walnut with walnut stand
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Elm, Maple & Walnut frame on a Walnut Stand for 8" X 10" picture.
Elm, Maple & Walnut frame on a Walnut Stand for 8" X 10" picture.
This 23" X 30" (picture size) frame is made of quartersawn white oak with maple and cherry "piping" and features maple and purple heart medallions.
This 20" X 24" frame is cherry with maple and walnut and is overlaid with burly maple with cherry and walnut.
"Layered" frame
This sculpted,
11" X 14" cherry frame has maple and walnut highlights.

The stand is maple.

The carved leaves were found in a friend's mother's attic and are of unknown origin or original purpose.
There were 12 found in a rather smartly-made cardboard box.
The remaining four were incorporated in the bathroom decoration which is shown in the Cabinets section of this website.
This curved-rail frame is made of strips of walnut, cherry, and beech.